Today HTC has updated us yet again regarding the situation with the unlocking of bootloaders. It has been nearly a month since they told us the update would be coming in August and September and now they have more details for us regarding how and when this will all go down.
I wont get into all the details of the update and rather just tell you the information that counts, here is the official statement over on Facebook.
– HTC Devices will continue to ship with locked bootloaders here on out.
– Users will be able to unlock “if they want” using a new web-based tool.
– Users will be required to have the Android SDK installed and use the web-based tool to unlock their device
– We will have to give HTC our email address, and agree to terms and conditions that what we are doing will void our warranty.
– The HTC Sensation Global will go first, then T-Mobile version, followed by the EVO 3D.
I actually really like this as the entire process sounds simple and easy to do. We already know that unlocking/rooting our devices will cause us to lose our warranty and that is nothing new. This will basically be the same way the Nexus One and Motorola Xoom shipped, they were locked but were extremely simple to unlock where the user could unlock them with a simple command should they choose to.
This is a win-win because the average user doesn’t care about an unlocked bootloader, while many many more advanced users and developers do. We will now have a simple and easy solution come late August early September. Everyone clap for HTC and hope Motorola one day (eventually maybe) follows suit.
Oh, in case you don’t want to wait you can S-OFF and root your EVO 3D and Sensation right now just by following these simple steps.
[via HTC Facebook]
yes but the xda way you go back unroot you cant when you agree why is that complicated to understand to people like you