We’re to understand, from several independent and anonymous sources that is, that there will be an event held on the 27th of June, 2011, in London which will play host to at least one new HTC device. This event will be preceded by another HTC event in Utretcht on the 23rd of June, 2011. These events will show, and I quote, “where design and advanced technology can lead.” This could of course mean anything, but we’re banking on a certain tablet which starts with a “P.”
A release of the tablet code-named Puccini would follow as we’ve got another tip coming through previously that says the Puccini would be mass-produced in June. As you may well know by now, this device is HTC’s first 10-inch tablet running in after their lovely HTC Flyer, a 7-inch tablet with a stylus. This new device would roll out with a dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor if what we’re hearing is true, and it would be coming to America on AT&T eventually.
This sort of announcement of an event before the official event invites go out is becoming rather standard as press continues to be which group can grab the most headlines. That said, the excitement that builds with each mention of a tablet or a handset does reach a peak at some point – unless of course it’s a dual-core LTE device like this tablet says it’ll be. Another example is the Droid Bionic, a handset which has been delayed several times already and is set to be released later this summer IF we’re lucky.
What do you think, a 10-inch HTC tablet for you? Or will you be waiting for the quad-core wave that’ll be falling in by the end of the year? Also why do you think HTC decided to release a 7-inch tablet before their own 10-inch contribution to the pile?
waiting until the Christmas season roll-outs of quad-core and the ipad3