The latest, most breaking news out of HTC is at least somewhat consoling: Peter Chou, head CEO for the company will not be stepping down, no matter how turbulent or troubled the future may get. For Mr. Chou, it’s been a personal investment since day one.

Most recently, Peter has watched numerous executives of his walk out the door at HTC, and pack up their things. He’s also seen the introduction of new execs, but all in all, it’s been a very rough year business wise for the company. Peter is not at all phased by it.

“There are a lot of rumors that say I would quit, but I never said that,” he said most recently when pressed about the option of walking away. “I’m not going to find another job.” His tenacity shows.

Although WSJ reports that HTC has lost four-fifths its value in the past year, they’re readying a brand new line of product, such as the One Mini, and the new One tablet. No one is quite sure what to make of HTC as of right now, but one thing is for sure, at least the captain has promised that he’ll go down with the ship, should it even begin to sink.

SOURCE: The Verge


  1. Should it even begin to sink?! LMAO…the dumb stubborn guy is in the crow’s nest with the water just below him! Who is this idiot writer? HTC = Hard To Comprehend

  2. Let’s be honest, who needs a great pair of speakers facing front on your cellphone? Where are you going to use them? At the office? On the public transportation? Think people, Think!

      • True, but the amazing speakers won’t work for me.I rather plug any of the headphones I have collected.
        Shouldn’t they be focusing on making android as pleasant to use as my iPad instead?

    • Someone should make a no Speaker phone to you. People love the front speakers idea and you are completely against ? People thinking now.. Whats going on with you ?

      • Where do you use it? At the office the earphones are practically mandatory, in the car you can plug it to the sound system and to the soundbar or equivalent at home, so my question remains, where do you use it?

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