So Google Drive is finally official. Being unveiled earlier today showing everyone basically a redesigned and improved Google Docs. While they’ve integrated it into Android, PC, and Mac it isn’t quite was everyone was expected — not yet at least. Now I’m sure many are wondering what is best and what to use so below we’ll quickly mention a few storage options vs price, and let you guys decide what you need.

If you were hoping for a mobile app similar or better than Dropbox, with all the same features only better with Google services integration you’re probably not to happy with Google Drive. For those that use Google Docs or are a business user this should be a pretty awesome improvement. Whether you use Dropbox,, Minus or any of the others we want to hear your thoughts and opinions below.

We’ve only had a few minutes to enjoy Drive but you can see our first impressions here. Without giving it a thorough test in the real world we can’t realistically suggest one vs the other. I’ve been a proud Dropbox user for a long time and love their mobile app. Having so many different upload and share options, being able to create folders, automatic photo uploading and more they’ve really hit most of the requirements for me. Now everyone’s needs and requirements are different so this will differ from user to user. For example I want PC, Mac, and Android support all for free. Google Drive, Dropbox, and Minus meet this requirement but doesn’t have a desktop client unless you’re a paid business user. An upside is Box is at the top of the list by offering 5GB free, not to mention their promotions giving almost all Android users 50GB. In a way they offer the most storage completely free, but not everyone got in on that deal. Here’s a comparison:

Drive: 5GB free, 25GB $2.49 a month, 100GB $4.99 a month, 16TB $799 a month – Download
Dropbox: 2GB free, 50GB $9.99 a month or $99 a year, 100GB $199 a year – Download
Box: 5GB free, 50GB free with promotion, 1000GB $15 a month – Download
Minus: 50GB free – Download

So are you ready to make Drive your one and only cloud storage option? Or will you be using Drive while sticking with their competition too for the time being? I think I’ll be using both Dropbox and Google Drive together moving forward, but that’s just me. Let us know your thoughts, opinion, or what you’ll be using in the comments below.


  1. Was hoping for more information. I will be using Dropbox, skydrive and drive. Problem is that my dropbox is full, skydrive is wp7 only and drive is only for android.

  2. I plan to use Drive and Dropbox because I like the Dropbox integration with Windows and Ubuntu.  When I can use Drive as a folder for all of my machines and accounts, it will be my primary cloud storage.

  3. I have been paying for the 200 gb Google Docs and using Dropbox for free at the same time. I think I will continue using both but I don’t think Dropbox will survive on the long run.

  4. Will stay with Dropbox for everyday use. Linux desktop client is the main reason here. 🙂 Will definitely find some use for Drive though …

  5. I’m happy with box ATM. 50 GB Free account is enough for me. Also have some cool features like file, folder sharing/ collaborating with friends etc., 😀 OP mentioned that box doesn’t have a windows client, that’s half true. We can access box via browser just like dropbox from windows. I don’t see a need for a windows client, totally unnecessary….

  6. EDIT: You forgot to mention Wuala, which now has 5GB storage and it encrypts everything 🙂

    I’ll stick to Dropbox for everything and Minus for photo album sharing.

    I have gathered 4.2 GB of free storage in Dropbox so I have no need for more (so far…). The Android app is excellent (the photo sync feature is awesome), the Windows and Linux client does great work syncing my files locally, I can publicly share whatever I need or create common, collaboration folders with other dropbox users.

    I also use MINUS, only for photo sharing with friends, since it works great. It allows you to browse through the pics seperately plus one can download a whole album at once as a .zip. It is the only (free) service I’ve discovered with such a feature.

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  8. i like as i got the 50gb free so i have more than enough space for all my files,i will agree with your comment though about lack of desktop client for the free 50gb but i;ll put up with that untill they do one because of the massive storage.

  9. I have a Box account, but never used it due to the limitation in file size upload and no desktop client. The 50gb is virtually useless to me and as a result have removed the app from my phone.

    I will be using both Drop Box and Google Drive. This being as I have managed to build up to 16Gb storage on DB and love the integration of the client and phone app, so easy to use sync and share and as I already had Google Docs I was automatically updated to GD.

    I see no harm in having the 2 clients with most important files backed up on both systems.
    So both Drop Box and Google Drive for me.

  10. Dropbox has one major shortcoming; customer service-Tec support. I am a premium business subscriber 100GB but can’t can dropbox to return a call or do more then send boiler plate emails

  11. `The good news is that as more competition enters the cloud storage business we the business and consumer user will get better prices-service and functional applications. I welcome google drive as we have found short comings in many of the existing applications for business use.

  12. I would be 100% Google Drive if it weren’t for how ridiculous their terms agreement is. Google Drive has the right price and the right features for me, but its a hard pill to swallow when their terms clearly state that any and all content on Google Drive is theirs to own and to do as they please with. Other cloud services such as Dropbox clearly state they claim no ownership of your materials.

    I currently pay for Dropbox and their pricing always seemed a bit steep, hopefully they react and lower their price or I will probably will find something else.

  13. I got 2 years free of the +48GB for being a Dropbox guru.. was pretty cool on top of the 10 gbs that i had already AWESOME!!! , but i got 50 back when there was a sign in to and get 50GB if you sign in on a IPHONE or HTC Android. i don’t know about minus yet. just my first time seeing it right now. but i love drop box,

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