Facebook made a somewhat surprising acquisition yesterday afternoon. Just in case anyone missed that bit, Facebook grabbed Oculus VR for $2 billion. But along with news of the acquisition came word of active users for both Facebook on mobile devices, and also for Instagram.

During an investor call dealing with the Oculus VR acquisition, Mark Zuckerberg mentioned that Facebook now has more than 1 billion monthly active users on mobile devices. For reference, that has grown from 945 million as of January. Facebook had also confirmed (back in January) they had 1.23 billion users in total.

The other side here deals with the amount of active users on Instagram. According to details coming from the official Instagram blog, they now have more than 200 million active monthly users. This includes 50 million who have joined in the previous six months. There was also mention of Instagram users having shared more than 20 billion images since the original launch.

Looking back on Instagram and we see they crossed the 100 million user milestone in September 2012. Otherwise, while we have yet to see any further confirmation either way, we are still watching to see what Instagram will do in terms of location tagging. Recent reports mentioned how that could be shifting from Foursquare to Facebook Places.


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