On the heels of Google releasing Google Play Services 4.2, the Dayframe developers have also released version 2.1 of the photo frame and slideshow app. This release has one and only one new feature: the return of the ability to stream photos to Chromecast.
When the much awaited Cast SDK was finally released, developers, like Koush, immediately jumped on the fresh new API. Others, like Rdio and Beats, took a more “wait and see” attitude. cloud.tv, developers of the Dayframe app, were also quick to add Chromecast functionality in their major 2.0 release but had to immediately yank it out on the same day.
Apparently, and rather amusingly, Google didn’t want apps on Google Play Store to immediately take advantage of the Chromecast API. It asked developers to wait for Google to release Google Play Services 4.2, which will officially bring in support for the Cast API on users’ devices. After a week of waiting, that has finally happened today and now cloud.tv is rolling out Dayframe 2.1 to adjust accordingly. Here’s the demo video again for your viewing pleasure.
The good news is that Chromecast support is finally back on the latest version of Dayframe. The bad news is that it is actually only available on Dayframe Prime, which is a $2.99 in-app purchase. The Chromecast support is also marked as beta, so some users might consider it somewhat a high price to pay to get this new feature.
Download: Dayframe on Google Play Store