Ever since Google shocked the Android and tech enthusiast world by releasing their $35 dollar Chromecast dongle, we’ve been following the project and potential features. Since the device is sold out virtually everywhere, how about using a 3rd party app that will allow your Android device to have the same functions as the Chromecast. Meet Cheapcast.
Developed by a crafty user over at XDA, Cheapcast essentially makes your Android smartphone or tablet do the same things Chromecast does. Although you’ll need to be on the same WiFi network or connect to the TV via HDMI out. There’s nothing new here really, as it can only do the same few limited things Chromecast does, but more are coming.
What this means is you can “cast” YouTube, Netflix, Google Music and more from any Android device you own, instead of just a Chromecast. It works the same way, and you can even rename the device if you’d like. The experience is quite similar all around. For device to device you can see it in action below, otherwise you’ll need HDMI out to get it streaming on the big screen in your living room.
Neat right? The app is currently available as we speak at the Google Play Store, from the via below, and you’ll want to check if out if you enjoy tinkering around with things. Tabbed casting doesn’t work at the moment, and the app is still a beta, but it’s worth checking out for those still waiting on a Chromecast to arrive from Amazon, or elsewhere.
VIA: Play Store
Why don’t you just stream DIRECTLY FROM THE ANDROID DEVICE?! So stupid….
Hdtv without wifi/internet capabilities… Thats why, duh
So plug the Android device into the TV via HDMI and watch whatever you want from there. There is absolutely no reason for the Cheapcast App.
Key word… Wifi. No wires. Thats the whole point. Cosmetic and convenient. U can have the honor of running wires all over your home if u choose. I chose to spend money on the furniture surrounding the tv and not vice versa, so no wifi tv. This should be an easy concept to understand. Lol
But you said your TV doesn’t have WiFi.
It doesnt, hence chromecast
So if you have Chromecast and use that, then fine, it’s basically a wireless HDMI cord, and that will work great.
But this article is about Chromecast being sold out, and using Cheapcast instead. In order to Cheapcast to your TV, you are going to need an HDMI cord.
So my point is, once your are connected via that HDMI cord, everything that appears on your phone’s screen will appear on the TV. So why not just skip the Cheapcast app and open up YouTube, Netflix or whatever you feel like watching directly on your phone?
Because I want to use my phone while watching my googleplay movie. I sit 8 ft back from my tv. I don’t want to walk up to my droid from my couch to control my movie anymore than i want to walk up to my TV to control the volume. I have a Droid 3 to use CheapCast on (missed on ChromeCast before the sellout), but right now it’s a moot point as Chromecast will not work on my Droid DNA or my Transformers Infinity with CheapCast. If there aren’t any other casting options with 2 droids, what are the droid to droid mirroring options (without rooting)?
Interesting idea, unfortunately I have no idea. Good luck with that though.
Instead of just insulting people (you must be young) why don’t you just recommend an alternative? Did you ever stop to think there are a lot of people who are unaware of their mobile devices capabilities? People with lives are focused on things like: their profession, their kids, the bills, not some stupid mobile feature that they don’t have time to play with.
I have recommended an alternative… that’s exactly what I did.
Why don’t people just buy an MHL to HDMI adapter and voila! My Galaxy S3 and now my Galaxy S4 both used it and the entire phone displays on your HD tv. Not just video apps, I can USE my entire phone on my tv! Calls, text, games even Skype
One other alternative to Chromecast is Miracast TV — HD Wireless, which offers a lot more features and doesn’t limit the content you display like Chromecast does and also features full 1080p HD for everything displayed compared to Chromecast with only 720p — a new $39 Miracast HD Wireless adapter became available this week and works much more like Apple’s $100+ Airplay Wireless display technology–
More info at T ab l e t S p r i n t– worth checking out for this alone…
I want to cast from my smart phone to mt android tablet, use it as a video monitor or receiver.