BLU Products surprised us the past few days by announcing the new Life One X3 phone. It’s not the new mobile device isn’t welcome. It’s just that there’s still an issue that needs to be fixed. And even before the problem is solved, an acknowledgment from Blu is much appreciated. No need to beg as finally, BLU has released a fix to the software update that previously bricked phones. The company posted a quick notice on its Facebook account.

The update isn’t widely available. Unit owners who’ve been affected need to contact the OEM by sending an email to The password lock was experienced by numerous Life One X2 owners after a software update that was supposed to improve the system and performance was implemented. Unfortunately, the opposite happened as phones were bricked.

BLU will be providing the software update that should fix the problem. The issues are expected to be resolved and those who complained about their units could soon get access to the phones. There’s some kind of condition you need to meet though. The update is ready for those who haven’t exceeded the number of pin attempts allowed and haven’t done Factory Reset yet.

VIA: Reddit

SOURCE: BLU Products


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