Rovio released Angry Birds Star Wars II for Android a while back and while that seemed to have left the original Angry Birds Star Wars in a bit of a holding pattern, it looks like we now have the conclusion. Or in this case, as Rovio has said, the “explosive conclusion.” Simply put, the final update for Angry Birds Star Wars has landed in the Play Store earlier today.
In total this update has added 30 new levels of gameplay. Those 30 are split with 15 featuring the Imperial Star Destroyer and the remaining 15 being Death Star levels. Otherwise, those playing the finale will be able to participate in the “biggest ever boss fight” where you will be using your Jedi skills to defeat Lard Vader and Emperor. And as the conclusion, Lard Vader will be unmasked.
Angry Birds Star Wars is available as a free and paid game. The update is live for both releases. Bottom line here, those who thought they were finished playing Angry Birds Star Wars now have 30 new levels to complete. Of course, while Angry Birds Star Wars is going away, the updates are still coming for Star Wars II. In fact, an update earlier this month added 40 new levels.
Along with the conclusion of Angry Birds Star Wars for Android, Rovio will also be shuttering the Facebook version as well. Those playing on Facebook have a bit of time left to play. Rovio has said they will be closing the game on March 3, 2014 and as a suggestion, are telling users they should check out Angry Birds Friends. The Friends version is available for Facebook as well as Android.
Also, just to clarify here, while this is the final update for Angry Birds Star Wars, the game will remain available on your device.