It’s time for another giveaway Android Community style. We’ve got our own stash of Spotify invites and we’re giving them away to you, our loyal fans! For those that don’t know (or are stuck on iTunes), Spotify is a music streaming service where you’re able to access millions of tracks of music from artists new and old, all available from your computer and, if you’ve got a premium account, from your mobile device! I’m happy to say we’ve got a stash of like 100 FREE invites and we want to give them away to you! All you must do is give us a hollar on Google+! (See rules below)
We’re awesome I know! Lets start with a little background info on Spotify and Google+ because we have covered em both. Spotify launched in the U.S. by invite only just yesterday, feel free to read our Spotify App Review. Now for Google+ be sure to check out our Google+ 101 Guide, and don’t forget the Android App. Now that you’re all caught up, check out the details below!
All you’ve got to do is the following:
1. Add +Vincent Nguyen (url: vincent.tv/+) to your Circle(s) on Google+*
2. Comment in our Spotify+ thread [a new post each day!] with some witty banter
July 15th Thread URL: https://plus.google.com/103911183408644149411/posts/aYUYXLFYYw7
3. You’re entered into the contest! (Exciting huh)*if you don’t already have access to Google+, send your name and email to giveaway @ slashgear.com
You’re already well on your way to getting Spotify for yourself – hours and days of endless magical musical entertainment for all!
Once we’ve picked you, the following will happen:
1. Vincent will ping you on Google+ to let you know you’re a winner.
2. You respond to that post.
3. Vincent gives you your invite code!
Good Luck!
or just do this http://lifehacker.com/5821234/how-to-get-spotify-free-without-an-invite
get the invite
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