The Getting Started manual [pdf link] for T-Mobile’s G1 has been discovered on the carrier’s support site, presumably waiting for its official unveiling once the Android handset itself goes on sale. While there are no obvious surprises in terms of functionality, it does give more of an idea of how the Android user interface is structured, and what apps will be installed out of the box.
There’s a particularly tongue-in-cheek section on page 33, entitled “Caring for your phone”, which among other things advises you to protect the G1 from “tears of joy” as water will damage it. It also reminds owners that “phones aren’t cheap”, which may be a painful reminder to anyone who didn’t qualify for the $179 price.
Hopefully this will keep anyone who pre-ordered the handset content until theirs is delivered on October 22nd. Remember, Android Community has video demos of the main G1 functionality here, here and here.
[Thanks tjferris and Pete!]