This is a bit depressing, in some sad news new details are coming out regarding the upcoming launch of the Samsung Galaxy S II smartphone. With the official US launch on the 29th new details are claiming that the biggest carrier here in the US, Verizon Wireless, will in fact NOT be carrying the Galaxy S II phone at all. This is according to the Wall Street Journal and then confirmed by Verizon spokesperson Brenda Raney.
At first we thought the leaked Samsung Stratosphere could be the SGSII, we’ve now heard it will be a mid-range Samsung slider and not the Galaxy S II we were hoping for. With plenty of great phones already in the Verizon Wireless line-up and even better phones like the upcoming Samsung Nexus Prime they have no reason to carry the SGSII.
“We have an extensive portfolio that offers customers a great variety of devices, including the Samsung Droid Charge,” said Brenda Raney, a Verizon Wireless spokeswoman. She declined to elaborate.
Some may see this as bad news, but if Verizon is in fact getting the rumored Samsung Nexus Prime then I don’t see this as that bad, although users will then have to wait even longer for their next purchase, or just get that Droid Bionic we keep hearing about. We have heard and even seen confirmed pictures of the other three main carriers all getting the SGSII here in the U.S so take this as you will. What do you guys think of this move by Verizon?
[via WSJ]
I wonder if we will ever get to the place where VZW, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mo will just become service companies and let us purchase the hardware we want!?
Maybe since Google is buying MMI, perhaps they can make a universal phone that will work across all technologies.. But would you be willing to pay for it?
I wonder if we will ever get to the place where VZW, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mo will just become service companies and let us purchase the hardware we want!?
…its bad news to IMPATIENT verizon customers cause there always somthing else coming.
…its bad news to IMPATIENT verizon customers cause there always somthing else coming.