A lot of companies try their hardest to engage their fans on social media to try to bolster up their public image. The best way to engage people is to pose a fun and interesting question for them to answer. However, Samsung‘s question to its followers a couple weeks ago backfired on them pretty badly.

Samsung asked, “If you could only take one electronic device on to a deserted island, what would it be?” The company cleverly posted a photo along with the question of a Galaxy S III with a deserted island in the background in hopes to ween fans in a certain direction. Inevitably, many responders answered with the iPhone 5, iPad, and even things like “not a Samsung”.

Then again, you could see that was coming from a mile away. Samsung simply set themselves up for that one. They ask a fun question and in return they get a number of responses that they probably weren’t quite hoping for.

Of course, just yesterday the company released their latest ad, which takes a jab at the iPhone 5. Obviously, that wasn’t well received by the fanboy community either. Kate Upton didn’t help Samsung’s cause either, since she was seen with an iPhone at Samsung’s Galaxy Note event. Should Samsung keep on churning with their iPhone 5 attack ads, or should they maybe cool it a bit and let the sales figures do the talking?

[via BGR]


  1. Ugh to be honest this just kind of feels silly, I see it all the time. Microsoft asks whats your favorite computer and everyone says Mac. Its just people being trolls and to be honest its kind of expected.
    I kind of would prefer if Samsung eased up a little with the jabs at apple, not that I care about apple at all, but if they keep doing it for too long it will end up just looking sad instead of funny :(.

  2. it is silly 🙂 but even more silly when they asked that question in Samsung USA page. I bet if they ask on their international page, they will get a different response.

  3. it is silly 🙂 but even more silly when they asked that question in Samsung USA page. I bet if they ask on their international page, they will get a different response.


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