The OPPO N1, much famed for its CyanogenMod ties, will soon have a follow-up. While many aspects about this so-called OPPO N3 remain shrouded in mystery, one thing is clear based on these leaked press materials: it will have a rotating camera that is even stranger than its predecessor.
The rotating camera on the OPPO N1 is both economic and somewhat inspired. After all, why waste resources on two uneven cameras when you can have one that functions as both? Granted, you won’t be able to implement fancy features such as taking a photo from both cameras at the same time, embedding the smaller “selfie” image inside the bigger one, like one of Sony’s newest camera apps, but that use case might not be too common to warrant it in this case.
The fact that the OPPO N3 would also have a rotating camera isn’t actually the most interesting aspect of the smartphone. What is even more peculiar is the form of the device itself. The photo seems to suggest that the N3 will be considerably thinner than the N1 before it. But in order to still accommodate a high sensor camera, OPPO had to put a thicker cyliner on top. The best way to describe the overall design is that it looks like half of a flip phone.
Not much else is known abut the OPPO N3 aside from this external appearance. Questions like whether it will be as gigantic as the OPPO N1 was or whether it will still offer some easy way to get CyanogenMod installed on it remain unanswered. We might not have to wait that long for the answers, though, as OPPO teased a press event in October to reveal its “One More Step” forward.
Would be much cooler if it had a bunch of sensors for 360 video or if it was detachable with a small clip on to become wearable.Or if the cylinder would rotate on the horizontal and they would have optical zoom.
The cylinder does look a bit too thick even if the body ends up bellow 6mm and hard to see how fingerprints won’t be all over the lens.
Please someone notifiy me of everything f the oppo n2
DAT bezel looks awesome though
Depends on the size of the phone.
The N1 was 5.9 inches so this one could be even bigger.
Yea that’s definently a deal breaker, 5.7 is my limit unless they go almost bezeless.
And then you get a phone call and put your camera to your ear.
I think you can rotate the camera
With the look of the design, it seems the speaker is on the other side of the camera… Nothing visible on the top edge of the screen
It’s an interesting design. I’d get use out of the camera bump just for being able to distinguish which way is up on the phone without having to look.
I like rotating cameras. It is very useful. Better still if they can make it rotates along the Y axis as well – like some point and shoot cameras.