HTC has announced that its Android 2.3 Gingerbread build for the HTC Desire is now going into quality assurance testing, one step closer to being released for owners of the former flagship smartphone. According to the company’s Facebook page, the Desire Gingerbread ROM will be put through its paces from this week, though there’s still no firm date for its release to users.
“Hi all- We’re excited to share that we are testing our build of Gingerbread for HTC Desire and will start doing quality assurance for it this week. When we have an update on availability we’ll post another announcement. Thanks for your support!” HTC
The news follows the will-they-won’t-they announcements over the past few months regarding an official update for the Desire. Having initially promised Android would be released for the handset, HTC then shocked owners by confessing that they would be unable to do so, citing an inability to preserve the full Sense experience.
After massive outcry, HTC changed its stance overnight and confirmed that it would indeed be pushing out a Gingerbread build. It was later revealed that the ROM would have a pared-down suite of apps, in order to satisfy the limitations of the Desire’s memory. There’s currently no telling which apps won’t make the grade.
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]
woohoo! We made it!
Too late, I rooted the device on the day they said they won’t deliver the update. Not that I’m unhappy about that now
woohoo! We made it!
ritish network O2 is now offering HTC’s new Facebook phones, the ChaCha
and Salsa, on-contract and on Pay & Go. The ChaCha can be yours for
£209.99 with a PAYG SIM.
Htc just falls flat on hardware…
Htc just falls flat on hardware…
Cant wait to see pictures of what its going to look like when this is all said and done…im not going to update unless i know im going to like the update
HTC Desire update to 2.3 (Gingerbread) kan be found at HTC’s Developer site….
Best regards
Thomas S. Frosch
HTC Desire update to 2.3 (Gingerbread) kan be found at HTC’s Developer site….
Best regards
Thomas S. Frosch
Installed it yesterday from htcdev, works perfect. Battery last much longer now.