Everybody’ favorate cheap, hackable tablet still has considerable modder momentum behind it, and the CyanogenMod team is a big part of that. Now they’ve released a video of CyanogenMod 9 (Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich) running on HP’s abandoned TouchPad hardware. The port isn’t complete yet, with a few hardware issues keeping it out of the hands of eager ROM flashers, but the developers say they’ll be releasing the ICS version along with CyanogenMod 9’s general debut soon.
The two primary problems with the TouchPad version of CyanogenMod 9 are the front-facing camera and video playback, neither of which are functional at the moment. The CyanogenMod team are noted perfectionists, and won’t release the code until all features are at least somewhat working. Other than those issues, the software seems quick and stable, even on the TouchPad’s relatively outdated hardware. Important and tricky functions like WiFi and Bluetooth seem to be working perfectly, and like previous versions of CyanogenMod on the TouchPad, a pre-boot environment lets you choose between Android and the native WebOS.
CM9 code is already available for modders of more established Android hardware, particularly the Nexus line and its close cousins. The “official” release of CyanogenMod 9 has yet to come, but it’s expected any day now. Not all phones will be immediately supported – it takes time to roll out the updates for the dozens of official ports. Tablets are becoming an increasing presence in the CyanogenMod community, with the Nook Color, HP TouchPad and soon the Galaxy Tab 10.1 joining the ranks of supported devices.
There’s no ETA for an official CM9 TouchPad download, but you can still use the Gingerbread-based CyanogenMod 7. Check out our video hands-on for a look at how well it runs.
[via SlashGear]
“Outdated” hardware or not, even CM7 on the Touchpad makes for an outstanding business tablet. I bought this thing as a cheap reader, and CM tripled its value for me. I’m donating.
It’s honestly got better hardware than most of the tablets on the market, and it’s only really beaten badly by the Transformer Prime..
It is not outdated at all. They are still coming out with the same internals and lesser screen for hundreds more. CM9 makes the HP touchpad the very best bang for your buck!
Actually hardware was ahead of its time… Shipped with 1.2ghz, Mine is running flawless at a blazing 1.5ghz. Built by a solid computer manufacturer. Its only flaw was having software not heavily supported, which can be a plus once android is added, turning it into a dual system booting super tablet. It is probably the best tablet release of 2011 until the prime made everything look old. The transformer prime’s sky high price makes it a non factor vs touchpad.
I run it at 1.6/1.7 no problem.
Changed the build prop and use chainfire to play tegra games love this device, the hardware is good it’s just the lack of caring about the webOS.
Reading “outdated” hardware helped me realize that this reporter knows very little. If anything was going to make the TP a success, it was its hardware.
The lack of a WebOS community and consumer base was its downfall.
I hate it when people try to appear more knowledgeable than they are.
I just hope CM9 allows for a clean install on the HP Touchpad. WebOS is OK, but I don’t want it, so no need for dual boot.
CM9 will also be loaded onto the Nook Color, then given away as a present.
It still dual boots but it’s amazing way better than any crappy theme, launcher.
Cyanogen has no intention of removing webOS because it’s so small and cyanogen likes webOS.
I like webOS the best outta all the OS’ but hp and palm b4 dropped the ball.
I have had 4 android phones(Htc;hero,evo&evo3d) Samsung moment;junk,
And iphone3gs:iphone4s iPad 1, and now I have hp touchpad 32gb($150) w/ICS running damn good
OMG please hurry!!! I can’t wait lol
It would be nice if Amazon/Ebay/Walmart/HP, etyc., would put a “history” behind every refurbished/reconditioned/used tablet to be sold. It would assuage my tablet buying fears if I knew before that the used HP touchpad for sale at Walmart website was a demo model, or the refurbished HP tp they want to sell me only had a defective video camera; or the reconditioned HP tp only had a scratched screen. With that knowledge, I would jump in a heart beat to buy the tablet with the aforementioned defects. Presently, I am just fearful of buying someone else “problem” tablets.
Unlike other OS’ if there is something wrong, software wise, with touchpad you just run webOS doctor for touchpad made by hp/palm(b4) for all webOS devices since the pre1.
So as long as its not hardware problem you cannot brick a webOS device.
Checkout webosnation aka precentral.net
For any help and if you run into a problem with android just re run webOS doctor. Easy peasy.
Email me if you need help.
So as long as it powers on touchpad is fine