We have heard more than a few comments over the past few weeks and months regarding an Android Tablet that might come in a brown unmarked box with that Amazon logo across the side. We have been hearing a few of the same comments as recent stories like this one in the Wall Street Journal regarding when we might actually see these tablets come to life.
Last we heard they were expected sometime this holiday season and we even heard a few codenames, but latest news and tips are saying much earlier, possibly as soon as October. Sometime in September would be a great time frame to release such a product, and with the Amazon App Store getting more popular and more apps every single day they could even launch without Google’s golden Market and other apps. Although most users will probably still want Gmail, Google Maps, and more.
From sources “close to the matter” the Android Tablet coming before October will be rocking a 9″ IPS Display, but somehow they’ve chosen to not have a camera on board. That makes me wonder how much of an iPad competitor it actually will be, but they are after the android tablet market after all. I have a few tips I’ve heard over the past few weeks that are saying Amazon is aiming for a “high quality” and “affordable” tablet that will be able to undercut the competition. They want top notch build quality but wont have things like a camera (I’ve never used my tablet rear camera anyways) and instead will offer a quality product at an affordable price similar to the extremely popular Amazon Kindle.
The Kindle has been a huge success, if Amazon can get a quality Android 3.2 Honeycomb tablet rocking some solid specs inside to push things along, continue to build the Amazon App Store, and then launch a tablet in say the $299 range I could see this being a highly popular device and a hot seller come Christmas time. What do you guys think?
Very excited to see what they come up with and if it will be strictly wi-fi or if there will also be a 3g version as well … as for a camera who really cares i hardly even use the one on my android phone
I have an iPad via my work already and have never thought “Oh I wish this had a camera!”. The size sounds good, add a great screen and price around $300.00 and they’ll have my business. I know I’m going to get an Android tablet it’s just a case of which one. Right now the Asus EEE Pad is looking like the best option but a 9 inch tablet at a lower price would be my first choice.
Yea most likely a 8.9″ actually. I have a 7″ HTC Flyer and the 10″ Xoom and I personally think a 8.9″ size would be absolutely perfect.
I’ve been comparing the Asus Eepad and the Galaxy 10.1, for almost 14days the Galaxy is far superior in almost every way, except that it has less ports. Take if from me, the Galaxy is way better.
dude, I have the Galaxy 10.1 and NOTHING about it is better than the Asus Eee Pad., I only got the 10.1 because I never saw the Eee pad in stores….until now.
the Eee pad has SD, HDMI & USB. it has a nice finish on the hardware and a very nice display.
the 10.1 on the other hand only has thinness going for it but WTF cares about thinness if you have to give up
– a higher mega pixel front and rear camera
– usb port
– hdmi port
– sd slot.
you say you’ve been comparing the 2 for 14 days now? in what way? youtube videos??? go to a best buy that has them both., spend about 5 minutes with each then come back here and tell us what you’ve found.
my wife bought me the Galaxy 10.1 for father’s day so I have to keep it, otherwise I would return it for the Eee Pad.
*** also, I have the keyboard dock for the 10.1 and it has NO slots !!! how lame is that when the Eee Pad dock has expansion AND a battery AND its foldable. !!!!
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dude, I have the Galaxy 10.1 and NOTHING about it is better than the Asus Eee Pad., I only got the 10.1 because I never saw the Eee pad in stores….until now.
the Eee pad has SD, HDMI & USB. it has a nice finish on the hardware and a very nice display.
the 10.1 on the other hand only has thinness going for it but WTF cares about thinness if you have to give up
– a higher mega pixel front and rear camera
– usb port
– hdmi port
– sd slot.
you say you’ve been comparing the 2 for 14 days now? in what way? youtube videos??? go to a best buy that has them both., spend about 5 minutes with each then come back here and tell us what you’ve found.
my wife bought me the Galaxy 10.1 for father’s day so I have to keep it, otherwise I would return it for the Eee Pad.
*** also, I have the keyboard dock for the 10.1 and it has NO slots !!! how lame is that when the Eee Pad dock has expansion AND a battery AND its foldable. !!!!
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maybe you should get the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 or the LG G-Slate which is also 8’9 but it has USB, HDMI and SD all of which the Samsung 10.1 & 8.9 lack.
Things to consider for this Tablet: it will not have Honeycomb or Ice Cream Sandwich on it, unless Google changes the requirements for those versions of Android. There aren’t any minimum processor requirements for Honeycomb, but there is a requirement for a front and rear camera. Since this tablet has neither, it will be stuck on Gingerbread, permanently. I am not saying that the dev community will not port HC or ICS to it, but it will not have any Android OS above 2.x.x officially, unless Google drops the camera requirement. If you want hacked HC or ICS, just buy the Nook Color.