Words with Friends is the insanely popular multiplayer Scrabble-like game for the iOS platform. Chances are if you know anyone with an iOS device, this isn’t the first time you have heard of the game. Word from the development team is that a group of developers has been made responsible of porting the game to Android.
When asked about their plans for an Android port, a representative of New Toy Inc. stated:
“We’ve since hired a team to develop an Android version. They’re actively at work on it at the moment and are getting close to being done, so not too much longer!”
Exciting news for all you Words With Friends fans. Hopefully, when it’s released (or a update after), we will have cross-platform multiplayer making the user base extremely massive.
[Via Phandroid]
Or you could try Wordfeud. Free/ad-supported and already in the Market.
OR you could buy Wordsmith, which is much better IMO. These games are awesome for online, phone to phone gaming. I bet Hasbro is pissed…..lol
I play Wordfeud on my Android and Words with Friends on my ipad. I love Words with Friends much better. I can’t wait, the UI for Words with Friends is very smooth.
Will people with an Android be able to play people with an iPhone?
There are already a lot of games in Zynga..I do play words with friends.Words with friends is also a hit game nowadays. Every time I’m in trouble the ANAGRAMMER gives me more hint. Try to google it peeps!!