We know there are always a lot of great deals within the Google Play Store. Aside from the Final Fantasy Portal app giving you access to the free Final Fantasy 2 game, here’s a new mobile app that will give you more free apps everyday. The Promo Codes app by Jack Underwood gives every Android user a chance to win a free paid app each day.
This isn’t a Free App a Day gimmick because you are only given an opportunity to win. That means in most days, you won’t get any free app. If you win, you and the rest of the other winners will receive a special promo code that you can apply when you’re about to download the app. You’re very lucky if you can get one app each day but your chances are very slim.
Promo Codes app is easy to use. Just launch the app and click the “I’m feeling lucky!” button. Leave your fate up to chance and see after a few seconds if you can get any free app for the day. Don’t feel too bad because you can always try the next day. Don’t attempt to click again because you only have once chance to win each day.
Some of the premium apps you can “win” and get for free include Relay for reddit, Nova Launcher, Today Calendar Pro, Impressions, Focus, Franco Kernel Updater, Twee, Progression, and Shuttle. That’s only a few but expect more will be added to the list in the next few weeks.
VIA: Phone Arena