Verizon has yet to post an official changelog, however we’ve received several reports of Kit Kat reaching the Galaxy S 4. The update is bringing the handset to Android 4.4.2 Kit Kat with build I545VRUFNC5.
The reports we’ve seen up till this point have all been from those who have received an on-device notification. But as always, Verizon Galaxy S 4 users can dive into the settings to try and get the update immediately. You’ll need to navigate to Settings -> About phone -> Software update -> Check.
Regardless of the path you take — once the update is available for your device it is just a matter of following the prompts. Well, that and a few minutes of time to complete the download and get through the update process. So far we have yet to hear of any issues as a result of Kit Kat, but it is still early and there is always the potential.
If you are a Verizon Galaxy S 4 user and have the update — we’d love to hear any details, both good and bad. Next up, or at least we hope, will be a similar Kit Kat update for the Verizon Galaxy Note 3. But for now it remains a mystery as to when that one will arrive.
Got it! No issues.. Google wallet works as an alternative to ISIS!
Just got it 5 min. ago..no probs at all..checking it out now
Got it the other day. I’ve been having trouble sending texts once or twice per day since then – I have to restart the phone before they will send. This is very frustrating. A feature I DO like is that, if you have missed calls/new text messages waiting when you pick up the phone, it will not only vibrate to tell you that you have pending notifications but the lock screen immediately turns on without any button-pushing by the user. Otherwise, not much is different: some of the buttons look a little more modern, the battery and similar icons are white instead of their respective colors, the 4G icon turns grey instead of disappearing when you turn off mobile data, and the little Verizon cutscene that plays when turning on the phone has changed. Those are immediately apparent differences although there are countless others that can be found with a little investigation.