We know the Samsung Galaxy Nexus over on Verizon Wireless has been left out of the update schedule for the most part, and many of you have moved on to bigger and better things, but we have good news. After seeing reports and details the past few days confirming Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean was coming soon, last night the official update leaked with improved radios and all. Get all the links to try it yourself below.
Yup, the “Nexus” that was four updates behind the rest is finally getting on par with its siblings, as long as Verizon and Google get the update out shortly. However, for those that don’t want to wait for Verizon to screw this up the official update has leaked and is available now for your pleasure. Thanks to a few XDA members we don’t have to wait.
This means you can flash your stock Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean Verizon Gnex to Android 4.2.2 and enjoy Photo sphere camera features and gallery, better notifications, lockscreen widgets, and everything else Android 4.2.2 brings to the table. Not only does this update the Android version, but we also are receiving brand new radios from Verizon that should improve 3G/4G signals, as well as the ‘hand-off’ between the two for a seamless experience. We’re also hoping for better battery life (laughs) but don’t get your hopes up on that one. So for those that haven’t already moved on to CM10.1 or a custom ROM, get the links below and update yourself today!
– This zip requires you to be completely stock running the last OTA update, which is Android 4.1.1 (JRO03O). This is not a ROM that can be flashed over other custom ROMs, this is an official OTA update file that needs to be flashed in a custom recovery.
Download Link
1. Download file from above
2. Boot into custom recovery (using CWM or by holding volume up/down and power at same time)
3. Install update zip from SD card
4. Reboot, enjoy more Jelly Beans!
Alternatively if you’re already running CM10.1-m2 or any other custom ROM on your Verizon Galaxy Nexus and would just like the new radios you can also give those a try as well. We’re not seeing substantial results, but it’s only been a few hours since we flashed the new radios. Get those below!
– Flash the new radios in the custom recovery of your choice. You can flash the new radios over any custom ROM – but as usual I’d do a backup just to be safe. Remember, the CDMA radio takes a lot longer so be patient and it will finish in due time.
Download Link
1. Download file from above
2. Boot into custom recovery (using CWM or by holding volume up/down and power at same time)
3. Install radio zip from SD card
4. Reboot, enjoy more bars! Hopefully
That’s it you should now be completely up to date and feeling all special with your Verizon Galaxy Nexus. It’s been updated to the absolute latest version of Android and has a few new radios right out of the Verizon oven. Thanks to a few users on Twitter and XDA we now can enjoy all of this a little early. Drop us a comment below and let us know how it all went.
[via @WinDroidGuy]
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Can I be unlocked but still unrooted for this update?
Root will be gone after the update if anyone has it.
As long as you’re on stock Android 4.1.1 OTA you’ll be fine
Thanks, I figured as much for the root. So if I’m unlocked, it does not matter?
The big question here is.. will this update fix the Google Wallet fiasco and allow us to use it without restrictions.
Hmm. I’ve been using Wallet on my Verizon Gnex with CM10 and 10.1 forever. Good question. Let me see
Can I download this without loosing anything on my phone?
I have stock Android 4.1.1 running on my Verizon gnex and I am not rooted. I’ve downloaded the update zip file to my phone. can anyone give me step by step directions on what to do after I boot into custom recovery?
The directions say to install from SD card. I’m confused as there’s no SD or micro SD card slot on the phone. Do I download the file to my computer and hook the phone up to the computer to install? Or do I download the zip file directly to the phone and install it from the phone’s own memory?
my phone wont let me reboot even when i hold down my volume buttons and my power button
It’s not a reboot, it’s a boot. You still have to, as per normal, turn the phone off. Then, when you start it up, do the volume thing as described above.
Doesn’t work. Gives me errors.