These are some exciting times here at AndroidCommunity. Our top dog Vincent(CoFounder) of AndroidCommunity made an announcement at the beginning of the moth that he would be giving away a few Vaja Google Nexus One leather cases. Ever since then we all have been stalking the thread day and night hoping that our name will be pulled out the proverbial hat. Well it finally happened last night.
The first winner was non other than our newly promoted Director of the community Simms22. He is probably the most deserving person for the prize. Simms has been around since the beginning of AC helping almost every member that step foot in our community. He has spent countless hours hammering out problems and no matter how long it takes he usually gets the job done. He is one of the most knoweldgedlb people in our community and if you ever need help modding your phone he will surely step in to help. But Simms was only the first winner.
Vincent threw in a curve ball announcing that there will be 3 more winners but, Simms would have the responsibility of choosing them. And early in the a.m., Simms chose the second winner. CMBarry1, emerged victorious with one of the most sought after prizes, the beautiful Vaja Google Nexus One leather case. I’m sure CM is a happy camper now but don’t hang your head. All AC members are still live for the last 2 cases. So head over to the thread and throw your hat into the race. You never know, you could be the next winner.
BTW, Vincent has two other contests going, with a quick search you can find and enter those as well.
[via androidcommunity]