Google Glass is a mixed bag. Great for medical professionals who find it useful in critical situations, but bad for a variety of real-world use cases. Banned from bars and restaurants, Glass also causes suspicion while driving. Even some evangelists have shrugged the headwear off lately. Now we find a survey, wherein 72% of those polled say they aren’t interested in Glass.

The main reason was the popular privacy issues. The survey, conducted by research firm Toluna, noted privacy concerns as the main reason the survey group wanted no part in Glass. “Google Glass is not yet available on the open market, although it is clear that a high proportion of individuals have concerns about the potential impact on their privacy” said Mark Simon, Toluna’s North American managing director.

The second most popular reason those surveyed gave for not wanting Glass was its ability to distract. About one-third of those surveyed also noted they feared being mugged for wearing Glass, highlighting that some feel it’s elitist. Toluna sourced roughly 1,000 people for this survey, though we don’t have information on demographics or other details about who these folks were, or what may lead them to answer as they did.

We’re split on the issue here, so we want to hear from you. Are you still interested in Glass? What would make you want the heads-up Google wear? Google has tried to dispell “myths” about Glass, but it doesn’t seem to be working too well, if this survey is any indication.



  1. I got to try it for a month. It’s nice for hands-free pictures, notifications, and perspective sharing. It became a condensed notification center and camera to supplant my smartphone. It has more applications in certain business services (troubleshooting, cooking, journalism, medical, research, art, etc.)

    However, until it starts looking a little more subtle and lasting a lot longer, I’ll agree that it’s not going to appeal to the average consumer in the same way that a smartphone has, or a smartwatch will (when a good one arrives).

  2. the original vision casting video that they posted made the device seem incredible – what it has actually turned out to be (as is usually the case with these things) is something less than that.

  3. Is that a surprise? LOL. Spend your hard – earned money somewhere else. That’s the message Google must understand from this survey.


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