The idea behind the Stringify app is a good one – it aims to bring your favorite digital and physical “things” together in “flows”. Physical things will be like lights, thermostats, door locks, sensors, and more – but of course they have to be digitally connected. Digital things are like Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, weather, news, and more.
The Stringify app is now in beta format, so you can try to use the app in its current form right now and make your own Flows. It would be good for you to give feedback as well to the Stringify beta testers forum so that the developers know what you’re using it for. But how to use it? Well, this video should give you an idea.
For a more detailed introduction, Stringify has a “quick start guide” that will point you in the right direction. In very basic terms, you can build Flows that will automate your daily processes – you can set up a Flow that allows you to go to bed and automatically locks your digitally-connected front door, garage, lights, and thermostat. Or you can create a Flow of what you want to hear on your digital speaker in the morning – the news, traffic reports, sports results, and all that.
Flows – once built in Stringify – will run in the cloud. You can build a Flow you and if you really love it, you can share it with others. Also, you can import Flows from others. Stringify developers have also built hundreds of initial Flows to show you what can be done. Check out the app via the download link below.
DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store