Google Sound Amplifier

People hard of hearing now are provided more help than ever. We’re not just talking about more high-tech hearing aids but also advanced technologies able to assist in conversations. One can always ask the other person to make his voice louder or repeat what he’s saying but things can be simpler. There is an app for that. Google has introduced Sound Amplifier which is a new communication mobile app that helps people hear more clearly. What it does is customize frequencies to augment any sound you need to hear.

Fact is, there are hundreds of millions of people (466M) in the world that have difficulty hearing. Some can be considered as hearing loss. Such inability can be limiting or isolating but there are solutions.

This Android Accessibility app has been developed to help people hear clearly. It’s been available for a while but it’s only now that most Android users on at least Marshmallow can download and use the Sound Amplifier app from the Google Play Store.

The name Sound Amplifier says it all. It helps amplify sounds in situations you mostly need. It features special but simple controls that you can adjust when you plug in your headphones. During conversations, you can use the Android app to help amplify any sound. It’s pretty helpful in noisy environments or public places.

Google Sound Amplifier Screenshots

The app can amplify sound, adjust frequencies of audio, or filter out background noise. It features audio visualization so people can know when a sound is detected. Simply put, the app provides visualization while amplifying the sound for the hearer. Visualizing a change or adjustment can be more helpful so you’ll know much audio is boosted as described.

Google has always been committed to making things easier for the public. The Sound Amplifier app is to help make audio clearer than it is, making most things accessible for more people. There is an app for almost anything and this Sound Amplifier is proof.


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