I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Santa is coming. If you’re like us, there is a lot of anxiety in your home. We’re all in a reflective mood at Android Community, wondering if we really were good this year. Luckily, we can pass the time with Santa Tracker on our Android devices so we don’t worry ourselves into a fit of panic.
The app gives you real-time updates on Santa’s whereabouts once he leaves the North Pole, and also has a few fun game for you to play. Only one of the games is playable right now, with the other two being locked until the 17th and 19th of this month. Santa is also coming to the big screen, courtesy of Chromecast support in the app.
While not quite as bold as the web version of Santa Tracker, we like it nonetheless. It’s a great way to pas the time while out and about, or simply play away the anxiety of reflecting on your 2013. Does Santa care that you ran that yellow light? We don’t think so, but still — you should worry just a bit.
If you’re curious as to what the games are, we’re not telling. You’ll have to download the app yourself and check it out. Santa tells us it’s bad form to tell people too much about his favorite app, and you know how it is. We’re, well, playing it safe. We haven’t been the best boys and girls this year, and we need all the extra credit we can get.