Ever since the Samsung Galaxy S (Vibrant) was updated to 2.2, users have been complaining about battery drain ultimately making their phone useless. Samsung has just released an official statement on its Facebook page stating that because of the issues, they will be temporarily suspending the update’s availability on Samsung Kies.
Their official update reads:
“We are continuing to investigate issues that some users have reported while completing the upgrade to Android 2.2. In the interim, we are taking the extra precaution of temporarily suspending the upgrade as a download from Kies. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask that clients contact 1-800-751-4078 or sh.support@samsung.com if they have any further questions.”
This suspension is only for the Vibrant’s 2.2, no word yet on whether the Captivate or Fascinate have had their updates delayed.
[Via Facebook]
Doesn’t surprise me.
Same here, all we can say is atleast they have 2.2 but now they have to wait so they can fix the battery issue
that is very disappointing! hmmm wondering if they’ll just give us 2.3, asap! ha 🙂
XDA = Root = 2.2… and soon 2.3…
samsung should just give up on there crappy touchwiz interface and just push out vanilla android. i have a vibrant and i’m really disappointed at the run around vibrant users are getting from them. just give us vanilla android 2.3 and we’ll call it even!!
Agreed dump Touchwiz, pure Google please.
Well I don’t know what all the fuss is about so I guess I’m lucky. I upgraded to 2.2 on my Vibrant Galaxy S and it works great. I haven’t noticed any unusual battery drain.
If I had to do it over again I surely would.
This is bs and will never buy samsung ever again u lie and I will never trust samsung or t mobile. Samsung.and tmobile I will get rid of all your products and tell all I work with at the hospitals you liers not reliable or good to have or use.
I was talking with a t-mobile rep, just a few hours ago, and asked him about 2.2. He was very knowledgeable about the vibrant and he told me that TMO USA is going to by pass the 2.2 and give us 2.3, since Google has worked it out on the Nexus S. Has anyone heard this also?
He never stated a date, but I can dream, even if it’s not true.
@Phatcub dam i hope that happens that would make up for this story..
Just root your phone and install Android 2.2 That is what I did. I have a Samsung Vibrant from T-Mobile and I rooted it. It is really easy you just download an app click a button and walla it’s rooted, then you just install a few things and download the Android 2.2 ROM install that and bingo. It has been a godsend. I live in a canyon and get no cell reception at my house but now with the WiFi calling like what blackberrys have on T-Mobile, now I have service through T-Mobile at my house via my router. Android 2.2 is freaking awesome, and thinking about flashing to 2.3 since the Nexus S and the Vibrant are the same hardware it will rung 2.3 vanilla just fine.
Hey james , can u please give me some details on how u did this? I wanna do the same thing u did. Like what web site u found the download ect..and instructions ect..thx 🙂
Hey James, I agree with mark. Can you please let us know step by step how you rooted your phone & installed 2.2…
I’m a girl and totally don’t know how to do any of this myself…
haha thanks for understanding!!
go to xda developers and on the phone section click on vibrant. follow the instructions on a thread on installing 2.2
Just go to http://www.akaskriller.com These guys know there stuff and will help you with the install. I’ve had 2.2 for months. Screw t-mobile and samsung.