When one door has closed, focus on the other, more welcoming door. At least that’s what Samsung plans to do with its upcoming Samsung Pay Mini, a version of their mobile payment platform, but this time specifically for other Android devices. Their application to the Apple store was already rejected and so instead of reapplying so they will be available for iOS devices, they decided to just focus on Android devices as they prepare to launch the service by January.
There is no clear reason why Apple rejected the app application. If that’s the case, then Samsung can actually file a case as this violates the Fair Trade Law. However, if there are specific reasons, like it doesn’t meet with their security and regulation standards, then Samsung only needs to tweak the app and reapply. But it seems that they decided not to do that anymore and instead, will focus on the application for the Google Play Store, which is not as rigorous as that of Apple’s.
Samsung Pay Mini is the version of their Samsung Pay that can let people use the mobile payment service, regardless of their device. Of course Apple and Google may consider both the original and the mini as competition for their own services, Apple Pay and Android Pay respectively. But they of course cannot reject that on those grounds because of the Fair Trade Law.
Samsung has been testing the Pay Mini app wth some credit card companies already and is rumored to be launching in South Korea by January. Meanwhile, Samsung Pay is available in 8 countries already and is currently beta-testing its 9th in Malaysia.
VIA: ET News