With Android 4.1 Jelly Bean now officially on the scene, many smartphone owners are wondering when (or if) they’ll be getting an update. We may have a better idea of when Samsung is planning to update some of its Galaxy-branded smartphones to Jelly Bean thanks to an apparent leak from SamMobile. The good news is that if this is all true, some Samsung owners won’t have much longer to wait before Jelly Bean arrives on their device. The bad news is that we don’t know if this true, so all of this seemingly juicy info could just end in heartbreak. In other words, take this information as truth at your own risk.

We already know that the Samsung Galaxy S III is going to get Jelly Bean sooner or later, and this latest round of rumors claims that Samsung has finished testing for device. This means that we’re only waiting for Samsung to finish the public version and for Google to subsequently sign off on it, and then the Jelly Bean update will be good to go. Samsung is apparently planning to deliver the update at the end of quarter 3 or the beginning of quarter 4.

Samsung isn’t going to brush the Galaxy S II off to the side, however, as that particular model is still selling pretty well. Testing on the S II version of Jelly Bean has already begun, and the initial tests look promising. Samsung may still decide to pull the plug at the last minute, and if that happens, SamMobile says that S II owners will get a “value pack” update. There aren’t any details available on this value pack, so feel free to let your imagination run wild. Jelly Bean is expected to arrive on the Galaxy S II sometime in quarter 4, so keep an eye out for that.

Finally, we arrive at the Galaxy Note and the Galaxy Note II, the latter of which we’re expecting to debut later this month. Samsung has been conducting Jelly Bean tests for both the Galaxy Note and the Galaxy Note II, but so far hasn’t said anything about whether or not Jelly Bean will actually come to either device. It isn’t clear at the moment if the Galaxy Note II will come with Ice Cream Sandwich or Jelly Bean installed, but if it’s the former, users can expect a Jelly Bean update in early quarter 4. Likewise, Samsung may be looking at a Q4 release for the original Galaxy Note as well.

Again, it’s probably a good idea to take this information with a grain of salt, as this update schedule hasn’t been confirmed by Samsung yet. If this info is correct though, then it sounds like many Galaxy device owners can look forward to an update to Jelly Bean relatively soon, so keep it tuned to Android Community for more details!

[via Talk Android]


  1. Let your immagination run wild on value pack for SII? What is there to dream about the value pack? A substandard grade release of 4.1 is 4.0.5 more like it. Consumers don’t want partial bag of jelly beans, they want the whole bag otherwise it is ripping off consumers. SAMMY is not much of a promissing company

    • Sammy released the source code for the GS3 before it even hit shelves dude…….check yourself. As far as I know Samsung is the only company that has confirmed a JB update before the end of the year.

  2. I’m still waiting for the value pack that was promised to the original Galaxy S (Vibrant).
    I have completely written Samsung off and will never buy anything from them again. The ASUS TF 300T I got, instead of the Galaxy tablet, already got Jelly Bean update; there are some manufacturer that care for their customers.


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