Samsung appears to be readying another Galaxy S2, yes, S2. This time around it is the Galaxy S2 Plus (GT-I9105) and while that would seem to suggest that the specs will be a bump up from the regular Galaxy S2 — that is not the case here. Keep in mind though, as of now these details are coming by way of leaks and rumors.
In other words, we can only hope that some of these specs change when it comes time for an official announcement. Anyway, without any further adieu, the latest suggests that Samsung will be announcing the Galaxy S2 Plus for a release in early 2013. The handset is expected to arrive first in white and then a few weeks later in blue.
Colors aside, lets talk specs. The one point that seems to be going up from the regular Galaxy S2 is the OS. The Galaxy S2 Plus is said to be launching with Jelly Bean — either 4.1.1 or 4.1.2. Other specs include a 4.3-inch (480 x 800) touchscreen, 8 megapixel rear-facing camera, dual-core 1GHz processor and 8GB of internal storage space. For those looking for the comparison, the display would be the same however the internal storage and processor would be a step down.
Otherwise, previous reports have suggested that the Galaxy S2 Plus would see a global release. How global remains the question. One thing seems fairly certain though, assuming this makes its way to the US, it looks like it will be joining the pre-paid ranks because otherwise, we are not all that certain who would want to buy a Galaxy S2 Plus when many of the specs are looking like a downgrade.
[via SamMobile]
… they must be joking. The S2 had a great shape to it but unless the screen is 720P and it has a current gen processor, I won’t look twice.
Why would it have a 720p screen when the S3 has one? and by “current-gen”, please don’t tell me you mean quad-core…
I mean an S4 or something comparable. Doesn’t have to be a quad core but when they say a dual core 1 ghz processor, I think of a snapdragon S2. Why couldn’t it have a 720P display? So because the S3 has a 720P screen Samsung can’t release another device with one? What kind of logic is that?
Because they want to make sure that the S3 is still better in every way. Having a higher PPI than the S3 makes little business sense.
But you can’t release a device almost 2 years later as a + (2nd generation) and it have the same or worse specs than it originally had. That makes no business sense.
True. These specs aren’t good enough. However, it’s supposed to be mid-range, so a high-end display that’s better than their flagship makes no sense. I’m thinking qHD is more fitting. If you want high-end specs, you should be looking at a high-end phone.
I’m not looking at this phone at all. By the time my contract is up, I’ll be looking at the M7.
Okay, the word you are looking for is “ado,” meaning doing or trouble or fuss. “Adieu” is a French word meaning “farewell,” somewhat akin to the Spanish “adios.”
The fact that it will have a dual core processor @1GHz tells us exactly nothing about performance and whether it’s an upgrade or not. This could be, even though it’s unlikely, a downcloacked version of a more powerful CPU, like an Exynos 5. Apple has been using downclocked processors for years in their phones becaus it’s cheaper.
I might be interestted in buying this for the simple reason that, from what I can see on Youtube, it did fairly well on drop tests. I have a Galaxy S1 that is two years old and I must of dropped it dozens of times and it’s just fine. By comparison when I look at the newer phones and how they break the screen on the first drop, I’m horrified.
it shold be called: Galaxy S2 MINUS