Samsung is going to be cutting GALAXY S 4 production levels by up to 15 percent. The GALAXY S 4 component orders for July were around 6.5 million, which ended up being a bit more than half of what was ordered for May. While we suspect this may cause some to think sales are slumping, Samsung did recently address that topic after some analyst reports caused issues for the company.
Samsung CEO JK Shin said GALAXY S 4 sales “are fine” and pushed those earlier reports to the side by saying how the analyst reports were “based on its own analysis.” Also worth noting on the topic of GALAXY S 4 sales — they crossed the 10 million milestone during the first month of availability.
Aside from GALAXY S 4 production, it looks like gaining additional market share with this one device alone is not a viable option. With that in mind, Samsung also has the other recently announced handsets such as the Active, Zoom and Mini. Basically, it looks like the GALAXY S 4 production cuts are being done to simply stabilize inventory levels and not as a result to slumping sales.
Putting the new handset to the side, there was also some talk of the Galaxy S III. With this now older model, it is looking like Samsung is going to be stopping production. According to recent reports, that production could be stopped as early as next month. The one interesting take on that is how we are still seeing that handset arrive with new carriers.
Otherwise, Samsung also has an announcement set for later this afternoon. The specifics of the announcement have yet to be fully revealed, however the invitation did hint towards some Galaxy devices and some ATIV Ultrabook models. As for that Galaxy Note III — despite frequent rumors, that announcement isn’t expected until later in the year, during IFA.
SOURCE: etnews