Ah, the Pixel 2. Together with the Pixel 2 XL, it’s presently our favorite Android phone simply because it has numerous issues we’d like to see fixed. Google has been busy working on several improvements and fixes. By now, you already know the next-gen Pixel devices need some changes. The Pixel team’s Product Manager has just announced an update was released recently for the phones that will improve battery life. According to a certain Michelle from Google NYC, the update will make the Pixel phone’s battery life estimates more accurate than ever.

What the Pixel 2 does now is look at battery usage over time and then predict battery life in the future. It’s really more an estimate of how your phone may last while doing some heavy functions such as watching movies. When you update to the latest Pixel software, you will see a personalized battery estimate on the ‘Battery’ section under ‘Settings’. You may view battery details by simply clicking on the battery icon. The estimate will be shown graphically. You may even see your usage and behavior on certain periods of time.

Knowing battery estimates can be helpful for most people because they’ll have an idea up to how long their phone batteries will last. Personalized estimates will, hopefully, improve battery management. This way, you can be sure if you have enough to last you through the day.

SOURCE: Pixel Phone Help


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