I think most of us can agree that Google will at some point end up with its own social network and that the network will be heavily tied into anything running the Android OS. With the popularity of Android, a highly integrated social network could be very successful even though almost everyone on the web uses Facebook today and other social networks are quickly becoming also runs. Google already has many different offerings that are based on social interaction, but they are all accessed separately making the services fragmented, for the most part.
A new patent app surfaced today that shows what a central hub for different Google social networking offerings and other Google services might look like. It’s a very simple layout that reminds me more than a little of the Facebook news feed. It also looks a lot like a Twitter news feed. Neither of those are a bad thing considering how well known they are for most of us today.
The second image in the gallery below is much more interesting than the first. It appears to show the ability to check out feeds and updates from just about all Google social networks and services in one place. An integrated hub on Android devices that will show you the updates across Google’s varied offerings all in one vie would be something very cool. The patent app also describes the possibility of an availability indicator that would show the user or the person that posted the updates is available for interaction.
[via SEObythesea]
Could this be Buzz 2.0 being the foundation of this?? I hope so, I have heard that Buzz or some variant of it will feature heavily in Google’s social strategy.
look like someone at Facebook or Twitter fuck up and did not patent there news feeds designs.
Whole well this patent should shield Google quite adequately from any hostile moves from Twitter or Facebook assuming it defensible in court. Any idea when this was filed. Also any idea what the numbers around the images means?
I agree with Richard that this will either be a Buzz update or it will using Google Wave or some sought of combination of the two.
But usually when stuff like this leaks it usually means the service or services is not to far behind.