Swiftkey X - search results

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When Google released their Jelly Bean keyboard to the Google Play Store it made lots of users happy, myself included, and today it appears to be receiving a quick little update. If you're not a fan of Swype or SwiftKey Google's stock keyboard is your best bet, and today's...
When Google released the stock Android Jelly Bean keyboard to the Play Store for all users, it was quite the shocker. Offering their keyboard as an alternative to manufacture skinned models, or the likes of Swype and SwiftKey. For those who do (and don't) use the stock keyboard, we...
In case some of you aren't aware, let this update be a eye-opener that the fine folks over at Google released the stock Android 4.2 Jelly Bean keyboard to the world. The one with next-word prediction, gesture typing (like Swype and SwiftKey Flow) and much more. It's my personal...
If you loved what you saw from Google's keyboard in Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, we have some excellent and rather unexpected news this evening. Google has just packaged up and delivered their completely stock (and amazing) keyboard and released it to the Google Play Store. That means most Android...
A new keyboard we first saw back in January has finally made it past the early development stages and is available starting today for all. Now that Google's allowing beta testing through the Play Store, many developers are offering this option. Meet the new keyboard called Fleksy that is...
Samsung has had a place in the mid-size tablet market for a while now, and their newest piece of machinery takes things to a new level. The Galaxy Note 8.0 is the happy medium between the company’s Galaxy Note 10.1 and the 5.5-inch Galaxy Note II, and we first...
Google kicked off their usual array of April Fools jokes early on Saturday just for kicks, and now everyone else has joined in. It has officially begun today and we have a round-up of some of the best ones we've seen yet. For the next two days we won't...
While Pantech is often thought of as a budget device here in the US market, the company may be looking to change that opinion with this latest AT&T announcement. Pantech, along with AT&T have announced the upcoming availability of the Discover smartphone. And nicely done, with a few exceptions,...
We are certainly seeing the alternate keyboard market heating up lately. We have the new arrivals such as the Kii Keyboard and Snapkeys Si. Not to mention the favorites such as SwiftKey and Swype. And well, it looks like Swype has gotten out early in terms of CES and...
Android users have no shortage of alternative keyboards available for use. We have some of the front-runners including Swype and SwiftKey as well as some of the newcomers such as SnapKeys Si. And well, it looks like Android users have recently gotten another option, the Kii Keyboard. This latest...
Many of you this morning will be waking up to friends and family, warm fireplaces, hot chocolate or coffee, and tons of presents under the Christmas tree. Today's Christmas around these parts (or something similar) and for those that were lucky enough to get some Android toys for the...
It's that time of year again. Tis the season right folks? With Christmas quickly approaching you can expect multiple deals, sales, and other goodies to arrive for us Android faithful. App and game developers will be lowering their prices, and hopefully Google offers something better than their current failure...