For all you folks out there who love going to the Opera to see your internets, especially through your phone, you’re in luck, because Opera Mobile 10.1 beta is coming soon to a download near you. Opera Mobile is Opera’s full internet browser for mobile devices. What you might not know is that Opera also has a web browser by the name “Opera Mini.” What Opera Mini is is a browser that instead of using your phone’s hardware to download and display webpages, uses Opera’s server compression tech to make the content compressed before it even reaches you, the rendering engine being on Opera’s server. Which is right for you? Navigate your phone over to m.opera.com and Opera will tell YOU. Otherwise feel free to take a guess and manually download for yourself.
The newest version of Opera Mobile comes out soon, but not soon enough! While you wait the agonizing 4 days until the release date, you can enter a fun little Android wallpaper contest where you’ve got to use this Opera Android guy in an image that can be use as, yes, a wallpaper, and you can win a Samsung Galaxy S! Super exciting, find the contest on the Choose Opera blog.
[Via Opera]