OnePlus doesn’t really want to settle. It’s living up to its ‘Never Settle’ motto as the company wants its loyal customers and developers to participate in new developments for OnePlus’ products and services. The Chinese OEM has recently announced the #PMChallenge. The Product Manager Challenge is a new contest for those who want to pitch in their ideas related to the OxygenOS and OnePlus smartphones. The brand has designed a simple product pitch process where ordinary users and devs can submit a product requirements document (PRD) to OnePlus.
This challenge gives everyone a chance to share with OnePlus their ideas and feedback. Submission is only until February 22. After the deadline, OnePlus product managers and developers will check the entries and see what projects the will use in the future.
OnePlus will evaluate how a product contributes to a burdenless experience, how will the different parts of the OS interact with the new feature, and what will the user experience be like. OnePlus regularly receives suggestions and ideas on how to improve the OS and phones so this OnePlus PMChallenge is a more streamlined way to gather those ideas.
Please check OnePlus’ Tech Section for further details about the #PMChallenge. We look forward to learning about your ideas and recommendations and finally getting to use them.