It is nigh impossible to get your hands on a OnePlus One smartphone, and that impossibility is going to stretch even longer. Even after issuing a new batch of exclusive invites, OnePlus still isn’t shipping the smartphone, which is apparently due to fixing bugs related to new OpenSSL vulnerabilities.

Owning a OnePlus one is pretty much going to be an exclusive privilege in the beginning. This invite-only system is a double-edged sword that could build up tension around the device but also turn off would be buyers. So far, two batches of invites have already been sent out, but none have received their device yet. In the latest invitation, OnePlus states that a major software update is causing shipment to be delayed, with no target date dropped. This is definitely news that no one would like to hear, and the Internet immediately picked it up, going as far as comparing the OnePlus One to notoriously delayed products bordering on vaporware.

Cyanogen Inc.‘s ciwrl also took to the Internet to explain to real scoop. This supposed major update is revealed to be related to a number of new OpenSSL bugs disclosed just last week. OpenSSL has become a source of worry for many in the IT industry after the revelation of the “Heartbleed” bug. Cyanogen therefore wanted to immediately patch these new ones up before they shipped the customized CyanogenMod 11S version to users. This, however, necessitates another round of QA tests and certification, which is actually not unusual when it comes to commercial mobile devices such as this.

While Cyanogen’s and OnePlus’ eagerness to ship secure software is commendable, it does open up a few issues. It is certainly possible for Cyanogen and OnePlus to have shipped the device now while working towards an immediate firmware update. This is, in fact, what most manufacturers would do. Of course, the consequence of these new OpenSSL bugs could be pretty severe, but delayed products could have even more dire penalties. It also implies that the OnePlus One isn’t far into the production process as one would hope. If they’re still at a stage where Cyanogen can still make changes that would halt production entirely, then the smartphone is far from ready to ship in the first place, perhaps months even. It is impossible to ship the perfect software, but products like this have a window of opportunity to make an impact in the market. For OnePlus, that window, which is probably small enough to begin with, might be closing in fast.

SOURCE: reddit


  1. Nothing about what they’ve said suggests that the hardware isn’t being manufactured. Working on software patches doesn’t mean they’re not manufacturing the devices. They can manufacture the devices so they will be ready to ship once the patches are finished.

  2. According to a friend of mine who works at Oppo OnePlus is still manufacturing devices, even though the final firmware is delayed. From my point of view this can only be a good thing. I am one of the smash the past winners (sorry no invites) as such I have had a few bugs in the firmware, especially with the third OTA update I received, if this is a security measure I am all for it. Odds are that Cyanogen will be gunning to get the firmware done asap and I can wait for that.

  3. OnePlus and Tizen are major disruptive game changers for the better. OnePlus is how phones/software should be marketed and Tizen is a dark horse. Google should be very worried from sitting on their ass and believing they would always be on top.

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