We wrote about this a few days back, that some OnePlus 5 owners have complained of a visual issue on the new flagship’s screen – apparently there’s a jelly-like motion going on in some units of the OnePlus 5 out there. The company has already responded that it knew about the issue, and that it is not an issue at all – it was in fact natural. Some people at XDA may have uncovered something that might give us a better understanding of why this is happening.


Apparently, the OnePlus 5’s AMOLED screen was designed as upside down on the device. Notice that we said “designed” – this is not a mistake or a quality assurance issue, OnePlus made an engineering decision to put in the AMOLED screen upside down and have the software compensate by flipping it over 180 degrees so that the image you get is right side up.

It is not sure that this is the cause of the issue, but this jelly-scrolling issue can be recreated in other phones when you use the screen upside down. The problem is probably with latency or specifically, with what area of the screen is updated first and the latency involved in which screen contents are updated first.

That said, there is no scientific proof yet that this is the real cause of the issue, just that it is highly probable. And since this is not a quality assurance mistake, replacing your OnePlus 5 unit with a new one does not guarantee a solution to this issue since – all OnePlus 5 phones are designed this way. For more info on the issue, check out the source link below.



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