The tablet market is certainly one that’s heating up, especially with CES 2011 fully underway. We know there’s even more devices coming, most of which will be running Google’s mobile Operating System Android. However, one tablet has managed to stand out even dating back to CES 2010, and that’s Notion Ink’s Adam tablet device. It’s gone through plenty of transitions, transformations, and even a few hiccups, but now SlashGear has managed to grab some hands-on time with the device, in its latest iterations, and have some certainly positive things to say about it.
Unfortunately for Notion Ink, when they initially showcased the Adam tablet, their hardware was top-of-the-line. Now, though, there’s plenty of other companies launching tablet devices, and some of them even have Tegra 2 under the hood, ready to go. So, Notion Ink’s determination to stay cutting-edge has lead to the creation of Eden, the company’s proprietary User Interface (UI). Which, frankly, is not only fun to use, but makes multitasking easy to use, and simple on a tablet. Additionally, while Adam is a dual-core-powered device, it works as a single-core until the device needs the second core to handle usage. If there’s still capacity in the first, the Adam will maintain that usage until it is necessary to do otherwise.
Notion Ink has done a lot with the applications, which they call “mini-apps,” to make sure that taxing the tablet’s resources are always cut to a minimum, but that the apps themselves still work to their full extent, and that includes the widgets that are thrown in with every tablet-optimized app that runs on the Adam. Background applications are frozen in their most current state, so that when you need to bring them up again, the process is smooth.
The device will slow down with a multitude of applications loaded up. For SlashGear a noticeable slow down appeared when we launched 20 different applications. That will change depending on the way you use that software, the apps you open, and how you handle the tablet in its every day usage.
Head through the source link to find the full hands-on, photo gallery, and videos galore that SlashGear managed to grab with their time with the Adam.
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[via SlashGear]
The Adam looks awesome. Rohan and his team at Notion Ink have done a great job. I expect there to be a lot of Adam news during CES. There are other good tablets that will be shown at CES, but none of them as innovative and unique at this one. Though I think the Motorola and a few others will get plenty of press time too.
I’m very impressed with Adam’s performance and features. The customize OS, Eden UI, and apps already incorporates many things planned for future versions of Android. The other tablets may have to wait for Honeycomb just to catch up with the Adam in that respect.
The Pixel Qi display is fantastic. I was concerned that under full color / full power the colors would be washed out but the recent photos and videos I’ve seen look great; about as good as any normal LCD I’ve seen. But the real advantage is being able to view the display in full sunlight. Tablets are supposed to be mobile devices that you can use anywhere. But you obviously can’t use regular LCD screens outdoors or in bright ambient light. That can be crippling to the other tablets if their owners plan to spend much time outdoors.
Anyway, thanks for the article. I look forward to reading more about the Adam and other CES news from you guys!
The Adam and Eden UI are great innovations! I am looking forward to having a Pixel Qi version myself someday soon.
Every other company will be announcing what Notion Ink has already produced in creating Adam !!
Looks good! Honeycomb announcement shows some of the similar innovation as Eden, but will have to see what Eden+Genesis do on top of Honeycomb. Of all the tablets I have seen so far, Adam looks like the only one that has done more than just slap Android on a piece of hardware. Need more companies like this raising the stakes.
From what I’ve seen so far, this is going to be the best Tablet at CES this year and maybe the best Tablet period. Plus the other Tablets besides maybe the Galaxy Tab will still be a while before they are released for sale. NI has already sold out of their first batch and shipment will begin soon from what I understand. Now that Honeycomb is out, I expect to see even more features from this Tablet. I’m so looking forward to having one in my hands and I defiantly will be rubbing it in the face of my friends that own the iPad.
Notion Ink’s Adam looks amazing! Just as promised…yes they don’t have the money of big companies but NI sure have a big heart for love and hard work and a smart brain!
I am closely following development in tablet zone, I think NI should market there camera which rotates 180 deg. Even at low PX (compared with Motorola Zoom) the 180 deg factor is amazing.
One more thing, I am more curious will Eden survive with Honeycomb coming in picture …
Still it excites me a lot.