It does not come as a surprise of course given the whole Galaxy Note 7 issue, but a survey from Branding Brand shows that Samsung’s current crop of customers don’t plan to stay around much longer. This latest survey is a follow-up from last month, where we already saw that consumer confidence in the brand was already in a decline. And newcomer Google Pixel may very well poach on this uncertainty over Samsung’s mobile device future.

The survey was conducted by the “world’s leading mobile e-commerce platform” and involved 1,000 respondents ranging from 18-65 and all owning a Samsung device, regardless of model. 40% of them said they will not buy another Samsung device again and this is up 6% from the previous survey conducted last September 23 and before they officially stopped production on the Galaxy Note 7. 30% of those who answered the survey have not had any other phone other than Samsung.

Of those who said they were going to get a new smartphone that is not from Samsung, 62% said they will still go with another Android brand, better numbers than the previous 57%. Meanwhile, 30% said they were going over to a totally different platform, specifically the iPhone. Previous survey put the number at 34%. And the new kid on the block, the Google Pixel also figured in the survey with 8% saying they will get the new smartphone.

It will probably be some time before Samsung gets back the consumer confidence they’ve lost with the batteries fiasco for the Galaxy Note 7. When they announce the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 edge next year, let’s see how people will respond then.

SOURCE: Branding Brand


  1. With news media like this one carelessly using words like “Explode” when the phone did NOT explode (it overheated and yes caught fire). Is it any wonder people are saying they wont touch Samsung especially when most of the people who voted didn’t have problems with their phone overheating ? Also you can guarantee that you have anti samsung people (ie iPhone owners) who probably voted on the survey.

  2. I love the Note 7 and would have kept it if not for the fact that there would be no updates for a recalled device. I will get the Note 8 (if they dont drop the Note line). Note 8 will be the most scrutinized phone for safety.

  3. Thanks to Samsung I’ve actually made money from this fiasco. I have 2 Samsung VRs, and one 256Gb Memory card. Giving back my Note 7 and ordered a Pixel XL, with the Samsung credit, i received a free ($100 discount from Sammy) Samsung ON5 to use until the Pixel comes in 5 weeks.

    I loved my note 7, best phone I’ve ever had.


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