Next week down in Houston the NBA will be holding their annual NBA All-Star game where the biggest and best from all sides come for the ultimate game. While we won’t discuss whether the All-Star game should stay or go, for those looking for more details they’ve released the official app to the Play Store. This comes direct from the NBA and is actually pretty impressive.
We wouldn’t call it a swoosh in regards to the app, but it’s pretty close. So far it has one of the better designs and layouts I’ve seen lately for an official sports app, although we’re hearing some are struggling to play video. The official NBA All-Star 2013 app for Android will give you all the details and highlights for the big game.
The interface is smooth and clean, sort of follows Google’s Holo guidelines, and seems to work on just about every device imaginable. What’s even better is the app is free and available on all carriers. Something I hope and pray happens with NFL Mobile, currently only for Verizon customers. It’s the best NFL app hands down, but many can’t enjoy it like this NBA app.
So for all you NBA fans that can’t make it to Houston, get the NBA All-Star app to get info, scores, highlights, pictures, and of course tons of video. They even have Charles Barkley (turrible, just turrible) front and center in a few features videos. You can predict the final score, and even vote for the MVP and other various awards they’ll be handing out to all the players. Lebron will be dropping another 25 points. Who wants to bet? Get the app from the link below and enjoy the big game guys.
[via NBA All-Star]