Well that was fast. Earlier today some reports came flooding in that Motorola was finally sending out limited beta test builds of Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean for the original and aging DROID RAZR and RAZR MAXX. Now just a few short hours later Motorola themselves have confirmed the real update will arrive starting today to all RAZR owners. It’s about time!

We received the leaked update file and posted full details and instructions earlier today, but now it looks like the wait is already over. So for those who’d rather not mess with downloading files and flashing things in their recovery, just hang out for a minute because the official update is rolling out in phases as of this afternoon.

In a Motorola Blog post the manufacturer covered all of the details regarding what’s new with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, and confirm that you should start receiving it this afternoon and over the weekend. Get ready to enjoy true voice search with Google Now, expandable and improved notifications, as well as a more simplified OS that closely resembles stock Android. We’re slowly seeing Google’s influence on Motorola’s updates – and we love it!

We weren’t expecting this for at least another week but we’ll take what we can get. So, as usual, if you’ve been patiently waiting to update your DROID RAZR or RAZR MAXX to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean you should probably start checking for updates. Head into settings > about phone > and hit check for updates a few times a day and hopefully it shows up soon for you guys. Enjoy!

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  1. I gave up 2 months ago and switched to Apple and I’m enjoying the latest version of IOS and my iPhone 5 lasts longer than my razr maxx

      • My iPhone 5 lasts 2 days without charging. Android 4.1 is already outdated and my Maxx only lasts 6 hours on full charge after 4.0.4 update plus I use less data with my iPhone 5.

      • You’re retarded. I get 36 hours consistently using my razr maxx. You must have fried the battery, being the incompetent fool you are.

  2. Fucking sick of waiting. Why the fuck are shit phones running 4.1 and my RAZR Max can’t get it? I’m so redy to move to a windows phone. And fuck your iPhone. Get that out of here. You can have your out dated technology. But seriously. WHAT THE FUCK android? This was a premier phone not that long ago. Motorola helped put android on the map. I still have yet to receive an update. And check regularly anyways. I can’t believe the time this has took.

  3. alright! this update sounds great! so as for me I own the Motorola Droid Razr when Im I gong to receive this update???? and should I connect my phone threw Wi-Fi to receive this update faster?


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