This one is basically just a Public Service Announcement, because we literally have no information to give you about this. We just got a tip that this image, the one you’re seeing right here, is the first screenshot of a working Motorola Cliq running the latest version of Android: 2.1. The model number is certainly MB200, and the System Version does indeed label T-Mobile as the carrier of choice.
Blur_Version.2.0.1 3.MB200.T-Mobile.en.US, with the Firmware Version set at 2.1-update1. That last bit is all too familiar, as we’ve seen it on all sorts of updated Android devices.. But, in the end, this is just a screenshot, and it’s pretty simple to fake this kind of thing. So for right now, take it for what it’s worth: either a quick glimpse of an impending update to the Motorola Cliq, or just someone having a little bit of fun with Photoshop.
[Thanks Cliquser!]