It seems that Motorola is rolling out some minor changes to its existing Moto X line, even while a Moto X+1 is rumored to be in the works. Now the Moto Maker website has changed one its “Natural” back cover options, removing Walnut and replacing it with Rosewood.

The history of Motorola’s wooden back covers for the Moto X is a rather tumultuous one. First hinted near the end of July, the first Bamboo option arrived only in December last year, followed by walnut, teak, and ebony in January. Now, just a few months later, Motorola is making some changes again. But instead of adding a new option, it is keeping the options to four, replacing the Walnut option with Rosewood.

While it might seem like a good time to buy a new Moto X with the new wood cover option, it might actually be best to hold off for a while. A recent leak has shown that a 64 GB model might already be on the way. If true, those buying a new Rosewood might find themselves envious of those with more storage space, for an additional $100 or $50 price tag.

That said, the wood covers do already incur an additional cost. For better or worse, that price hasn’t changed and will still cost an additional $25 on top of the device’s retail price. Meaning, a 64 GB variant, should one really arrive, bearing a wood cover, Rosewood or otherwise, would cost buyers $474.99 at checkout.

VIA: Droid Life


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