Motorola had big plans for the Moto X on Cyber Monday. They had planned to offer the Developer Edition and Moto Maker models of the handset at a $150 discount. After a day that many spent watching and waiting, Motorola announced the Moto Maker portion of the sale had been temporarily put on hold. They did return with word of a two-day sale and the first has already come and gone.
The interesting part here, the allotment Motorola had set aside for today went rather quickly. Motorola has yet to offer a specific time for the sellout, however it seems to have been right around the 10 minute mark. We have heard from several that managed to get their information entered in time, but so far, we have yet to hear of anyone having received their promo code in return.
That will be coming in time. Motorola mentioned the code would be sent within a few hours time. And then from that point, those with a code/email will be able to visit the Moto Maker site and design the handset of their dreams with less of a rush. Also worth mentioning, those who get a code/email will have one week before it expires.
Basically, the code you will receive will give you a discount of $150 off the purchase price. Additionally, Motorola will also allow you to use the code “THANKS” to get an extra 30 percent off accessories. Lastly, those who missed out on the offer today — now that we know these will go in minutes — make sure you are ready and waiting at 12 noon EST on Monday December 9th as that is when the next (and final) opportunity goes live.
I was able to put me email in about 2 mins before the official start time, and I received an email that my 1:05 central time that my code would be coming in the next few hours. 10 mins later my code came and my purchase has now been made.
My code just came in.I got into the site at exactly noon.