We all know that one of the key reasons that Google gobbled up Motorola Mobility was for the patent treasure trove that Motorola owned. Microsoft was said to be eying the purchase of Motorola Mobility as well, strictly for the patents. In fact, some sources claimed that Motorola went with Google over Microsoft because Microsoft planned to shutter the mobile operations.
Microsoft has now decided to fight the Google and Motorola Mobile tie up by filing a patent infringement suit against Motorola. Microsoft is alleging that Motorola is infringing on some of the patents that it owns covering Android devices. Microsoft is seeking a ban on the import of Motorola handsets into the US.
Microsoft claims that Motorola is infringing on seven patents. Some of the handsets that are covered in the litigation include the Droid 2, Droid X, Cliq XT, Devour, Backflip, and Charm. Microsoft feels certain the ITC will rule in its favor. The patents being infringed on according to Microsoft include those for things like displaying changes in battery charge level and the synchronization of email.
[via The Inquirer]
Only reaction suits this: WTF!!!
aren’t those things every single handset does nowadays?
Looks like someone is Jelouse! When you can’t have what you want you make sure nobody else does.
Microsoft is a POS for this. I’m tired of all of this litigation bs
Immerhin bis Seite 7
habe ich mich durckgeklickt und das war besser als Harald Schmidt. Die Kommentare sprühten
vor dem, was man bei Vodafone so völlig vermisst: Witz und Esprit.