It’s finally here! The popular 3rd person shooter video game that revolutionized shooters for consoles back in 2001 has finally landed on Android. After months of waiting and a few delays, Max Payne is finally available on Android smartphones and tablets starting tonight. With added support for NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core devices this game is bound to be awesome. It supports most newer phones, as well as Tegra 2 devices. Lets take a look.
To help celebrate Rockstar’s cinematic action-shooter, Max Payne 3, Rockstar Games is proud to release Max Payne Mobile for Android. This release brings the full classic Max Payne experience to Android with new customizable controls for touchscreens, optimized to run on multiple phones and tablets. In collaboration with NVIDIA and their Tegra 3 quad-core devices this game looks to be even more impressive than ever. The graphics and all have been completely brought over to mobile devices and should be a blast. We were able to get a quick look at the game and you can see our initial hands-on below:
[vms ac4c03ba046120f0802e]
The character building story, monologue, and cut scenes are just a few of the many reasons this game was popular back on consoles, and will be the same for Android. Max Payne Mobile offers tons of camera and aiming preferences so you can tailor the game how you’d like to play. The layout and controls can all be optimized and suited to the individual player, and everyone can enjoy the dark atmosphere and storyline around the game. So far our initial impressions are quite favorable, as you could tell from the video above. Here’s what to expect with Max Payne Mobile:
• Touch Screen Controls and updated Tutorial system
• Analog Camera Control
• Rockstar Social Club Integration, with Achievements, Stats and Tracking
• Customizable Aiming settings, sensitivity and speed
• Customizable Control Layout
• Native resolution support across Android phones and tablets
• Optimized on devices featuring NVIDIA® Tegra® 3 quad-core mobile processor with full screen
antialiasing, additional antistrophic texture filtering and enhanced lighting effects
• Gamepad support for select USB controllers, Immersion haptic vibration effects, and adjustable
graphic settings
Now I wouldn’t go as far as to call the graphics as good as the popular SHADOWGUN on Android, but the amount of details and depth to the graphics really makes this game shine. Everything is interactive from water faucets and toilets, and the environment is pretty destructible with glass breaking and bullet damage being present on walls, cars, and more. They’ve really done an excellent job bringing the full PS1 experience to Android devices.
I was worried aiming and shooting would be rather difficult on a touchscreen, just like multiple other shooters for Android but Rockstar has done an excellent job with Max Payne. The auto-aim assist isn’t too much that the game is easy, but makes it much easier for touchscreen controls. I’m actually quite pleased and have been playing for a good while already. I know where the rest of my night will be going.
Without giving too many details of this awesome new game away I’ll just direct you to enjoy a few of the screenshots provided below, and expect a full Android Community review in the coming days. The brand new classic shooter Max Payne is available for Android phones and tablets right now at the Google Play Store for $2.99 by clicking here, or heading to the NVIDIA Tegra Zone.