Geeks are able to find out details of coming hardware a lot of the time by pouring through software updates that hit models already on the market. Often the software will have lines of code that are specifically for each handset and these can give insights to coming models.

A new Android smartphone has seen some of its some of its basic hardware specs leaked. The device is believed to the Galaxy S 2 and it sounds interesting. The leak points to a FM radio tuner, Bluetooth, and a few other things. All of this is firmly in rumor land right now.

It would be easy enough to speculate that the handset when/if it comes will run Gingerbread since the OS is on the horizon. The leak about the new smartphone came from the November 19 GT-I9200XXJP2 firmware.


  1. I love new info on upcoming handsets, but when there is so many errors in spelling and grammar, that’s all i see. Take your time writing please. We’ll WANT to read them then.

  2. D’oh… posted a draft by mistake rather than the finished post. I’ll blame it on the early hour and too much turkey yesterday.

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