Can you say #Winning (Yup a Charlie Sheen reference here at AC). This T-Shirt is just full of win, you must admit its pretty good when you actually look at it. This is an ongoing series of T-shirts from a guy named George Soto that has been making awesome shirts showing the Android vs Apple battle. First one was the Andy Versus shirt, then came the Unstoppable Andy and that pesky Steve Jobs trying to get him.
The latest creation is available now and it is King Kong Andy available at kingkongandy.com It features something similar to what we have seen but this looks to be Soto’s best work yet. Great graphics with a funny idea and once again Steve Jobs being a little pest flying around in his bi-plane while talking on his iPhone with what looks to be a coat hanger for an Antenna on the rear of the plane — Well Done!
These are no average Hanes shirts either, they are high quality 100% cotton American Apparel shirts so they are going to fit, and will fit nicely. They are being offered for a fair price of just $18 each and they have Guy sizes small to 3x with girl shirts on request. I think I might be ordering myself one later today, I like to look in style while I sport my love for Android but do you?
[via King Kong Andy]
Wait a minute – in the movie, didn’t the airplanes ultimately kill the big guy on top of the building?
If you like the clotches
and they fit and you feel comfortable in them, they shuld be alright. Don’t
mind that therapist…http://www.bodypost.com/index.php/men/tank-top.html
nice shirt ! i made this one (steve jobs too) last week: http://www.cafepress.co.uk/outofbounds12.561132827