iVdopia is a mobile advertising platform which debuted on the iPhone 3G in March of 2009. If you thought the occasional banner ad popping up in your app was annoying, your gonna really hate this. Mobile ad giant iVdopia is bringing its video-serving advert formats to Android.
This is double edge sword so to speak. It could possible bring more quality free apps to the Market as well as make some of the popular paid apps free without the developer limiting its functionality. The thing I hate about it is the fact that a 10-15 second video will proceed the app and you will have no choice but to watch it and wait til its over to use the app. Check this out for a demo of how it will look. A representative made this statement about their service:
“Basically, our vision has been to evangelize video advertising on different devices. We see Android as another big market opportunity,” Srikanth Kakani, co-founder of iVdopia, told InternetNews.com. “About 80 percent of the publishers we’ve talked to said they wanted us to be on both platforms,” he added, referring to Android and the iPhone.
Do you think this is a good thing or a bad move? I wonder if Adfree will be able to block this.
[via enterprisemobiletoday]